Pathology  -  Neuropathology   -   Neuroimaging
New  additions  (2019 to present)
Additions of  2004  to  2006
2007,  2008
2009,  2010 2011,  2012 2013, 2014 2015, 2016 2017, 2018 2019 - 2021
Updated 10/10/2021
General and Special Pathology 
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Neuropathology and Neuroimaging Cases correlating Neuroimaging + Neuropathology Neuroimaging Basics Neuroimaging - Cases
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English Homepage This page in Portuguese New additions Histopathological  staining  methods
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology: 
F. from 5 yrs until 20 years.  Subependymoma of III ventricle followed up for 15 years.  Original exams of 2005 Same,  first biopsy,  2005,  HE
Same, IH for GFAP, vimentin, neurofilament, CD34, Ki67 F. 20 yr (same case).  MRIs every 5 years up to 2020 showing remarkable stability of tumor
Same,  second biopsy, 2017, HE Same, IH for GFAP, vimentin, synaptophysin, neurofilament. Same, IH for CD34 Same, IH for Ki67
M.  16 yr. Calcified subependymoma of III ventricle originating in left thalamus Same,  HE Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67
M.  6 yr  9 m. Voluminous subependymoma of left lateral ventricle Same, surgical specimen
Same,  HE Same,  IH for GFAP Same, IH for neurofilament Same,  IH for CD34, Ki67.
F. 14 yr 2 m. Ganglioglioma of uncus of right temporal lobe compressing optic tract Same,  intraoperative smear - vascular proliferation 
Same, smear - cytology Same, paraffin, HE Same,  IH for GFAP Same,  IH for synaptophysin
Same,  IH for chromogranin Same, IH for neurofilament Same, IH for CD34 Same, IH for Ki67
F.  2 yr 11 m. Ganglioglioma of left thalamus Same, HE
Same, IH for GFAP Same, IH for synaptophysin Same, IH for chromogranin Same, IH for CD34, Ki67
M.  6 yr  9 m. Ganglioglioma  of right cerebellar hemisphere Same, HE
Same, IH for GFAP, vimentin Same, IH for synaptophysin Same, IH for MAP2, NeuN Same, CD34, Ki67
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
M. 10 m 8 d.  Atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor of posterior fossa. CT, MRI Same,  HE Same,  IH  GFAP, vimentin,  synaptophysin
Same, AE1AE3, EMA Same, 1A4, HHF-35,  INI-1
Same,  CD34, Ki67, p53 F.  7 yr  6 m Meningioangiomatosis in left parietal lobe.  MRI 
Same, macro, HE.  Text Same,  Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  GFAP Same,   CD3, CD20, CD68,  CD34,  Ki67
F.  6 yr 11 m. Medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity in cerebellar vermis. MRI Same, HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  GFAP, vimentin, synaptophysin, chromogranin, CD34, Ki67. 
M. 13 yr  6 m. Germinoma of pineal region filling III ventricle. MRI Same,  HE Same,  PLAP, OCT4, GFAP, vimentin, AE1AE3 Same,   CD3, CD20, CD68, CD34,  Ki67, p53
F. 15 yr  2 m. Germinoma of III ventricle spreading throughout the ventricular system Same,  HE,  PLAP, c-Kit, OCT4, GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67, p53
F. 14 yr. Medullomyoblastoma followed by anaplastic cerebellar ganglioglioma after 11 years Same, HE, GFAP, NSE, 1A4, desmin (Same case)  F. 24 yr. Anaplastic cerebellar ganglioglioma 11 years after medullomyoblastoma  (transformation or new tumor ?)
Same,  HE Same, GFAP, vimentin Same, synaptophysin Same, NF, Ki67, p53.  Comment
M.  27 yr 2 m.  Primary sarcoma of cerebral cortex recurring after 8 years.  Same, Macro, HE Same,  Masson's trichrome
Same, reticulin.  Same, GFAP, vimentin Same, synaptophysin  Same, neurofilament
Same,  AE1AE3 Same,  CD34 Same, Ki67, p53
Original tumor : NeuroimagingNeuropathology
M.  7 yr 9 m.  Diffuse midline glioma of pons with extension to left cerebellar hemisphere  Same, HE Same, GFAP, NF, CD34 Same, Ki67, p53
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
M. 2 yr 3 m.  Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma.  MRI Same,  macro, HE Same, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same, immunohistochemistry for GFAP, vimentin
Same, IH for neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin,  chromogranin, MAP2, neurofilament  Same, IH - AE1AE3, EMA, CD34,  Ki67, p53   M. 15 yr 1 m. 
Ectopic subependymal giant cell astrocytoma in the posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle.  MRI
Same,  HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin Same,  IH for neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin, neurofilament,  MAP2, NeuN Same, IH for AE1AE3, EMA, TTF1, CD34,  Ki67
M. 7 yr. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor  (PNET) in the right temporal lobe.   MRI Same,  macro, HE,  Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin Same,  IH for neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin, neurofilament,  NeuN, MAP2
Same,  IH for EMA, AE1AE3, 1A4, HHF-35, desmin Same, IH -  CD56, CD99, CD34, Ki67, p53. 
F. 16 yr 9 m. Ganglioglioma in the posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle.  MRI Same, macro,  HE, pilocytic areas (pictured - Rosenthal fiber) Same, HE, protoplasmic / microcystic areas Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin
Same, IH for neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin, chromogranin, neurofilament, MAP2, NeuN  Same, IH for CD34, Ki67, p53
M. 7 yr 9 m. Cystic temporal ganglioglioma.  MRI Same,  macro, HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin Same, IH - neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin, chromogranin
Same,  neuronal antigens :  MAP2, NeuN, neurofilament Same,  CD34, Ki67 M. 60 yr.  Multifocal cerebral and cerebellar paracoccidioidomycosis.  CT, MRI
Same, HE Same, Grocott (in two labs) Same,  PAS
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
M. 6 yr  2 m. Ganglioneuroblastoma  of cerebellum, MRI Same,  HE, text Same,  Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,  immunohistochemistry for GFAP
Same, IH for neuronal antigens :  synaptophysin,  chromogranin Same, IH - MAP2, NF  Same,  IH -  VIM,  EMA,  1A4,  CD34, Ki67
M. 10 yr  9 m. Central neurocytoma. CT, MRI Same, HE Same, IH for neuronal antigens:  synaptophysin,  NF, MAP2, NeuN, chromogranin  Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin, S-100, CD34,  Ki67
F. 8 yr  10 m. Left parietal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.   CT, MRI Same,  macro Same,  HE Same,  Masson's trichrome, reticulin, 
Oil Red O
Same,  GFAP,  vimentin Same, IH for neuronal antigens:  synaptophysin,  NF, MAP2, chromogranin  Same, IH -  CD34, Ki67, p53. 
M. 8 yr 3 m. Anaplasic ganglioglioma of cervical spinal cord, second operation after two years. MRI.  Original tumor :  neuroimaging, neuropathology Same,  HE Same, IH for neuronal antigens:  synaptophysin,  NF, MAP2, NeuN, chromogranin 
Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67 M. 1 yr  2 m.  Pilomyxoid astrocytoma.  MRI  Same,  HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same, IH  for GFAP, CD34, Ki67
M. 18 yr  1 m.  Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of hypothalamic region, with leptomeningeal and spinal spread.  MRI Same, HE, GFAP, vimentin, S-100, INI-1, Ki67
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology: 
M. 10 yr 10 m. Left frontal gliosarcoma.  CT, MRI Same,  Macro Same,  HE Same, Masson's trichrome
Same, reticulin Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, S-100  Same, IH - 1A4, HHF35 Same, IH - EMA, CD56,  CD57,  CD99
Same, IH - CD34, Ki67. M. 18 yr 9 m.   Left frontal pilocytic astrocytoma with pseudo-oligodendroglial histological pattern.  Same, HE.  Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67.
M. 14 yr 3 m. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cervical spinal cord in NF1  Same, HE.  Atypia, Rosenthal fibers Same,  IH for GFAP, vimentin, NF, CD34, Ki67.
Same patient, then aged 7 yr 4 m. - medulloblastoma of left cerebellar hemisphere Same,  HE Same patient aged 13 yr - familial adenomatous polyposis and colonic adenocarcinoma.  (association with brain tumors = Turcot syndrome). HE. Text
F. 48 yr. Right temporal gangliocytoma   2 MRIs spaced  3 years Same,  HE Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67.  Same, IH -  MAP2, NeuN, SMI32
F. 17 yr 10 m.  Classic ganglioglioma  of right parahippocampal gyrus Same,  HE Same, IH - MAP2, NeuN, SMI32 Same, IH - GFAP, CD34, Ki67
M. 12 yr 5 m.  Left frontal primary intracerebral myxoma Same, macro.  HE, Masson,  reticulin, Alcian blue Same, IH -  vimentin, S-100, 1A4, HHF-35, CD99, CD34, Ki67
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
M. 2 yr 10 m. Pilomyxoid astrocytoma  Same, 1st sample, 2018.  HE, Masson's trichrome Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67.  Text Same, 2nd sample, 2020.  HE, Masson's trichrome
Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67 M. 1 yr 6 m. Pilomyxoid astrocytoma  Same, HE, Masson's trichrome, IH - GFAP, vimentin, CD34, Ki67.  Velpeau's law
M. 2 yr 5 m. Right frontal dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)  Same, macro, HE  Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin Same, IH - synaptophysin, MAP2, neurofilament 
Same, IH - SMI-32, NeuN, Ki67 F. 12 yr 4 m. Anaplastic astrocytoma  of lumbar spinal cord and cauda equina  progressing to extensive ischemic necrosis Same, HE Same,  IH - GFAP, synaptophysin, neurofilament, CD68, CD34, Ki67
F. 2 yr 10 m.  Cerebral metastasis  of hepatoblastoma Same,  macro Same,  HE, texts hepatoblastoma Same,  Masson's trichrome, IH - a-FP, AE1AE3
Same,  IH - b-catenin, Ki67.  Texts a-FP, b-catenin M. 16 yr 2 m.  Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) in left L4 spinal root. Pictured  -  intra and extraforaminal components Same,  HE,  Masson's trichrome,  reticulin. 
Text - MPNST
Same, IH -  neurofilament, S-100
Same, IH -  Vimentin, CD56, CD57, CD34,  Ki67 Same, normal posterior root ganglion of same case.  HE, Masson's trichrome,  reticulin Same, IH -  neurofilament, S-100, Vimentin, CD56, CD57, CD34
Note.  Pictures of normal posterior root ganglion also added to Neuro image bank.  Click for  HE, special stains and  immunohistochemistry
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
F. 5 yr 7 m.  Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor at skull base (jugular foramen).  5-year MRI follow-up.  Same, HE Same, Masson's and Goldner's trichromes.   Text : Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor Same, IH for vimentin 
Same, HHF-35, 1A4, calponin. Text : calponin, caldesmon Same, CD3, CD20, CD68, CD138 Same, S100, IgG, IgG4,  CD99, CD34,  Ki67. 
Text : IgG4 disease
F. 18 yr 6 m. 
Lipidized anaplastic ependymoma ectopic at parietal cerebral cortex.  Original tumor in 2015. Recurrence in 2019. 4-year MRI follow-up. 
Same,  original tumor, HE.  Texts : ectopic ependymoma 
Same, EMA, AE1AE3, GFAP, vimentin, 1A4, NF, SNF, Ki67, p53 Same, recurrence. HE, Masson's trichrome. Picture - lipidized tumor cells
Same, recurrence.  EMA, AE1AE3, GFAP, vimentin, Ki67
M. 10 yr 5 m.  Ganglioglioma  of lumbar spinal cord. 7-year MRI follow-up,   5 exams Same, 1st. sample 2012.  HE, IH - GFAP, vimentin, 
synaptophysin, MAP2, NeuN, NF, CD56, CD34, Ki67
Same, 2nd. sample 2019.  HE, IH - GFAP, vimentin, 
synaptophysin, MAP2, NeuN, NF, CD56, CD34, Ki67
Same, comparison of  2 samples. 
Table - CD34 in 32 gangliogliomas posted on this website 
M. 10 m. Congenital sacral chordoma associated with tuberous sclerosis complex Subependymal nodules, some calcified Same, HE.  Text : chordomas in the pediatric population Same, IH - AE1AE3, EMA, vimentin, S-100,  Ki67.
M. 5 yr 3 m.  Diffuse midline glioma Same, HE Same, IH - GFAP, NF,  CD34,  Ki67
M. 15 yr 6 m.  Langerhans cell histiocytosis in sphenoidal sinus.  Same, HE Same, IH - CD1A, CD68, S-100
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology: 
F. 17 yr 6 m.  Composite ganglioglioma  + pleomorphic   xanthoastrocytoma-   MRI Same,  Case summary.  Text. Same,  ganglioglioma  component - HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same,   ganglioglioma - IH for glial antigens  - GFAP, vimentin
Same, ganglioglioma - 
IH for neuronal antigens - chromogranin, MAP2, NeuN, SMI-32, synaptophysin
Same, ganglioglioma - IH for CD34,  Ki67 Same,  xanthoastrocytoma  component - HE, Masson's trichrome, reticulin Same, xanthoastrocytoma  -  IH for GFAP, vimentin, chromogranin, CD34, Ki67
M. 46 yr. 
Diffuse brainstem glioma infiltrating cerebellum and producing secondary structures of Scherer in the molecular layer. 
Same,  HE  (pictured - 
subpial accumulation of gliomatous cells (secondary structures of Scherer). 
Same, synaptophysin Same, Ki67, p53
F. 8 yr 7 m.  Pilocytic astrocytoma of medulla in NF1 Same,  HE, IH  for NF.  (pictured -  Rosenthal fibers)
M. 5 yr 4 m. Plexiform neurofibroma circling the  cervical spine in NF1 Same, HE, Masson Same, IH -  S-100,  NF,  vimentin, EMA, CD56,  CD57
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology: 
F. 2 yr. 10 m.  Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes, medulloepithelioma and ependymoblastoma morphology. CT, MRI  Same,  HE Same,   Masson Same, IH -  GFAP 
Same, IH -  synaptophysin, MAP2 Same, IH -  vimentin, nestin (text), AE1AE3, 1A4 Same, IH -  CD56, CD99, S100, HMB45, INI1 Same, IH -  CD34,  Ki67, p53.  Text
M. 2 yr. 1 m. Undifferentiated sarcoma of skull base. CT, MRI Same, HE  - Masson and  Goldner trichrome stains Same, IH - vimentin, 1A4, CD68, Ki67 
F.  6 m.  Diffuse symmetrical hyperplasia of choroid plexus of lateral ventricles. CT Same,  macro, HE, Masson, reticulin Same,  IH - GFAP, vimentin,  S-100, EMA, CD34, Ki67
M. 1 yr. 2 m.  Choroid plexus papilloma of right lateral ventricle. CT, MRI Same,  macro, HE, Masson Same,  IH - AE1AE3, EMA, GFAP, vimentin Same,  IH - S100, CD34, Ki67, INI1
M. 10 m 17 d.  Choroid plexus papilloma of  IV ventricle.  CT, MRI Same, macro, HE, Masson Same,  IH - AE1AE3, EMA, GFAP
Same, IH - vimentin, S100, CD34, Ki67, p53 M. 7 m 11 d. Choroid plexus carcinoma of left lateral ventricle. CT, MRI Same,  HE Same,  IH - vimentina, AE1AE3, S100, CD34, Ki67, p53
Same case, normal choroid plexus. HE.  Same, IH - vimentin, AE1AE3, GFAP, S-100, EMA, CD56, CD34
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
F. 8 yr 4 m.  Embryonal tumor of the CNS with abundant neuropil and multilayered rosettes. MRI Same,  Macro.  Same,   HE Same,   HE
Same, IH -  GFAP, vimentin Same, IH -  synaptophysin, NF Same, IH -  NeuN, MAP2, SMI32, chromogranin Same, IH -  CD34,  Ki67
M. 12 yr 7 m.  Clear cell ependymoma, RELA fusion positive.  CT Same,  HE  Same, IH - EMA, GFAP, L1CAM, Ki67.  Texts :  RELA fusion ependymomas, C11orf95, RELA, L1CAM 
M. 8 yr 1 m.   Primary intracerebral sarcoma.  MRI Same,  HE, Masson Same,  IH - GFAP, S-100, vimentin, desmin, HHF-35, 1A4, CD34, Ki67
M. 12 yr 6 m. Temporal ganglioglioma.  MRI Same, HE Same, IH - GFAP, MAP2, SMI32, chromogranin, NeuN, CD34, Ki67
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
M. 4 yr 7 m.  Fibrous dysplasia of skull base.  CT, MRI Same.  Preliminary transnasal biopsies.  HE.  Same.  Surgical specimen.  HE Same, IH -  Vimentin, CD68, HAM56
Same, IH -  1A4, HHF-35,  CD34,  Ki67 F. 3 yr 3 m. Diffuse midline glioma Same, HE,  IH - GFAP,  vimentin, NF, CD34,  Ki67
M. 10 yr. Epithelioid glioblastoma of left temporal lobe Same, HE. Same, IH - GFAP, vimentin, S-100,  EMA Same, IH - SNF,  NF,  CD34,  Ki67.  Text
M. 5 yr. Multifocal cerebral aspergillosis. TC. MRI Same, HE Same, Grocott
New Cases of Neuroimaging & Neuropathology:
F. 1 yr.   Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) in anterior surface of brain stem. CT, MRI Same,  HE, Masson Same,  IH - vimentin, 1A4, AE1AE3, EMA Same,  IH - CD34, INI-1, Ki67. 
F. 3 yr 5 m. Choroid plexus carcinoma of right lateral ventricle after two cycles of chemotherapy. MRI Same, HE Same,  IH  - vimentin,  GFAP, AE1AE3, EMA, synaptophysin,  neurofilament, CD34, Ki67, p53
F. 4 m. Choroid plexus carcinoma of left lateral ventricle, presumably congenital. MRI Same,  HE Same,  IH  - AE1AE3, vimentin,   synaptophysin,  neurofilament, CD34, Ki67, p53 
M. 36 yr. Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism in L5 vertebra.  CT Same, HE, Masson.  Texts:  hyperparathyroidism, brown tumor. Same, IH - CD68, HAM5.6, 1A4, vimentin, CD34, Ki67. 
F. 63 yr.  Presacral myelolipoma. MRI Same, HE Same, IH - HB, MPX, CD61.   Text
F. 31 yr.   Fibrous dysplasia of skull. CT. Same,  specimen Same, HE
Additions of  2004  to  2006
2007,  2008
2009,  2010 2011,  2012 2013, 2014 2015, 2016 2017, 2018 2019, 2020
Updated 14/6/2021
General and Special Pathology 
e-mails :
Neuropathology and Neuroimaging Cases correlating Neuroimaging + Neuropathology Neuroimaging Basics Neuroimaging - Cases
Alphabetical index (Pathology) Alphabetical index (Neuro) Neuro Image Bank Neuropathology - Cases
English Homepage This page in Portuguese New additions Histopathological  staining  methods